EOD Update (19 November, 2007)
Song: 四季 (Si Ji) By: 黄丽玲 (Huang Li Ling)
And the award for Best Actor in a Drama Series goes to ........ <drum roll> .....
Morten Lundal!
You've gotta give it to this guy, man ... (for those who're not familiar with this name, he's the CEO of DIGI). Admittedly he's merely the CEO and not the major shareholder, but after DIGI got shafted with the sickly sweet deal it inked with TIMECOM, granting it the privilege of paying around 10x what TIMECOM and others originally paid, to use its 3G licence, I could not find a single photo in the press where the guy wasn't positively beaming from ear to ear! Kudos... Well, yet another ailing GLC problem resolved, this should go really well with the foreign fund community who have been harping on about the supposedly slow pace of GLC turnarounds in the country.
Latest purchases:
DGATE: +5,000 (0.605) ... Total 46,000
HSPLANT: +1,500 (2.65-IPO Price) ... Total 1,500 (Applied for more but this was what they gave me as an existing shareholder of HAPSENG)