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Ichi the Killer

Bursa Malaysia stock trading portfolio of nobody really important.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Bloodbath on Bursa Malaysia today ... probably due to rumours of Bank Negara raising interest rates soon.

Bought 50,000 ICAP (1.00, 1.01 and 1.02) ... let's see how Tan Teng Boo performs now.

Forgot to update yesterday, sale of 10,000 NICORP @0.23 ... balance 25,000.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

What's happening?

Lucky for that small miscommunication on RHB. Its now down to 65.5c - 66.0c.

Meanwhile, the market is just looking terrible, so not much to be done. REDTONE continues its slide downwards. Quarterly report just out with flat growth due to increased competition on the local front and impact of foreign ventures in Pakistan, Indonesia and China not coming in yet. I honestly dont understand whats wrong with this stock. Its got all the good things going for it, such as:

1. Good overseas expansion story

2. Its recent take-up of a huge block of shares in GPACKET under a private placement at time of IPO has effectively TRIPLED from 0.55 to 1.77 (at time of writing). There must be a book investment gain of at least RM50-RM60 million there now just from May 2005 alone.

Oh yeah, bought another 5,000 NAMFATT at 0.415...

*sigh* ...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Rasa Hati Beku (RHB)

Ok, I have a confession to make. Last week, I bought 10,000 RHB @ 0.795 ... why? I thought it had come down enough and was ready for a rebound. I was and am still sure it will get taken over by Commerz or someone else soon at a decent premium.

When the rebound didnt happen, instead of dumping it for a small gain at 0.805, I held on to it. Then, sure enough, it started sliding... my stop-loss limit went down from 0.75 to 0.73 to 0.70. I couldn't help it. What a loser!! Worse still, during that time, what did I do? I went on a holiday! Hah! After the 0.73 stop-loss limit was breached, my broker sms'd to tell me we had missed the 0.73 stop-loss and he was trying to sell at 0.72. I thought to myself, what the hell, might as well move the parameters again...to 0.70 this time. No point selling at 0.72 since it seemed to have really bottomed out this time.

But due to a miscommunication (sms is dangerous) he sold the lot at 0.715 ...ouch! I actually texted "no need to sell at 0.72" which he took as meaning "sell at any price offered now". Suddenly I had no more RHB, when I was so sure a bottom had been reached.

So what do I do now? Forget about it and move on? Hmmm, maybe I WILL forget about it, it's not worth it ... but what if it moves UP again? Maybe I'll buy it back on Monday, then. But what if it hasn't bottomed out yet? I would be incurring double commission on a twice-losing trade! Aaargh, I'm going mad ... lets see what happens on Monday then ...

What happened to the so-called semi-con rally?

Ichi the Killer

Well, well ... the so-called semicon rally fizzled out after 3 days!! Managed to pick up 2 semicon-related stocks (UNISEM & GTRONIC) 2 days before the "rally" started. Managed to accumulate much less stock than I intended, but UNISEM took off so suddenly, for once, I was amazed at my powers of prediction. Made some pocket money off UNISEM (see my previous post) but did not take profits on GTRONIC, as I expected it to move higher, following UNISEM's heroic leap from 1.23 (I think) to a high of 1.60 within a few days. Waddya know, it's now trading below my cost (RM0.295, when I last checked). Shoulda dumped it all at 0.35. Even MPI moved to 10.80 and came right back down.

So, does anyone have any ideas what happened to this so-called rally? Why did it last only slightly longer than a fruit fly's life span? Are prospects not as good as rumours and media reports have it? Or is it consolidating for another move? YOUR views please ....

Hot tips for Bursa Malaysia shares trading - brought to you by Investssmart

Hot tips for Bursa Malaysia shares trading - brought to you by Investssmart

Interesting site... though we seem to come from different angles ...

Current positions

Hmmmm.... I cant seem to find a way to post a table on a fixed section of my blog page. Does anyone out there know how to do this? Any help would be welcome. You know, how can I put a table somewhere in a fixed position and update it each time I make a trade?

In the meantime I have several open positions which I will focus on, as follows: Format is as shown: Stock Name, Qty : Price Bought (RM)...

NICORP 35,000 : 0.165

GTRONIC 9,000 : 0.305, 10,000 0.310

KANNAL 30,000 : 0.160

APLI 15,000 : 0.365

PWORTH 5,000 : 0.51

NAMFATT 15,000 : 0.46

MPTECH 10,000 : 0.315

METPLEX 50,000 : 0.055

Apart from NICORP & METPLEX, all the rest are currently underwater. Why do I have so many losers, you may ask? Well, the biggest loser I have at the moment is REDTONE, which I havent even mentioned. Bought all the way from RM2.70 to RM2.30. Now its languishing around RM2.19 ... *sigh*, yet I have confidence it will come back someday sooner rather than later ... since I bought at so many price levels, will only post this when it comes back into play.... anyone know why this stock is not performing though?

Oh yeah, the reason I have so many losing trades posted is because I have sold off almost all my winners. So far, my winning trades (closed off) are as shown below, in the following format: Stock name, Qty, Price Bought /Sold:

GPACKET 50,000 (Bought 1.18, 1.23, 1.52, Sold 1.70, 1.76, 1.78, 1.80, 1.81, 1.82)

TIMECOM 40,000 (Bought 0.49, 0.515, 0.545 Sold 0.56, 0.58, 0.585, 0.66)

NGIUKEE-WA 15,000 (Bought 0.15, Sold 0.19)

UNISEM 10,000 (Bought 1.26, 1.36, Sold 1.50, 1.55, 1.57)

IJMPLNT 10,000 (Bought 1.22, Sold 1.27)

NICORP 65,000 (Bought 0.165, 0.17, 0.18, Sold 0.21, 0.23, 0.235)

KINSTEL-WA 10,000 (Bought 0.515, Sold 0.60, 0.63)

OILCORP 10,000 (Bought 0.91, Sold 0.94) (I panicked and dumped all at 0.94... shucks, closed for the day at 1.00).

Hope I can find a way to post a table soon ... this method sux ...

Anyway, comments from anyone please...?


Hello all, this blog is intended to record all my trades on the Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange or KLSE) in real-time. That's right... I will be updating my trades as they occur, whether it's a buy or sell, winner or loser and all in real-time (well, at least on the same day). Remember, these are all REAL TRADES, using REAL HARD CASH ... not some imaginary portfolio.

Ultimately, my aim is to see if I can generate returns of 15% - 20% PER MONTH starting from limited capital. I will be using a combination of FA and minimal TA, but at no time will be relying on extensive research. Rather, I will let stock SUPPLY & DEMAND do the talking and see if this method of active trading is able to generate outsized returns over a longer term.

Please bear in mind that this blog is in no way intended to recommend any stocks for investment by anyone. You need to consult experts if you are looking for that and I am no expert on stock investments. In fact, nobody should follow my trades, except maybe to go the other way!!

On the other hand, I would welcome constructive comments from anyone on my trades and stock selections. In fact, that is the reason I am setting up this blog, so that people can give me their RM0.02 about my trades! I can't think of a better way to keep oneself honest ...

Also, this is the first time I am publishing a blog, so hopefully it will be a good learning experience and please bear with me as I learn my way around this. I will start by posting my current open positions. Look out for it ...